Hormonal disorders and health

Hormones play a key role in the health of the body. Health dictates your physical and emotional well-being. Hormones and body balance The very fine regulation of the endocrine glands ensures the hormonal balance of each of us through complex mechanisms. Hormonal disturbances can be caused by stress, excess alcohol and nicotine, inflammatory diseases, infections. […]

According to psychologists, are there four types of intelligence? 1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): This is the measure of your level of understanding. You need IQ to solve math, memorize things and remember lessons. 2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): This is the measure of your ability to keep peace with others, to keep time, to be responsible, […]
Fatigue – the epidemic of the century?

Fatigue, common symptom for 8 diseases Why does fatigue occur? Every time a disease is triggered in the body, the immune system uses a lot of energy to fight against it. This makes us feel tired and thus explains why fatigue is a common symptom of many diseases. Fatigue is a very complicated concept. There […]
What flowers to give according to the zodiac

Aries: Aries are fire signs that symbolize self-confidence, dynamism, energy, adventure. The natives of this sign are born leaders. Orange flowers of any kind, tulips and tiger lily are recommended for them. Taurus: Taurus is the symbol of stubbornness, but it is very sensitive and sensual. Earth signs, Aries are strong and determined, but warm-hearted […]
We are living energy. The HEART creates the strongest electromagnetic field in the body

In the 90s, three Nobel laureates discovered that the main function of DNA does not consist in the synthesis of proteins, as it was believed until then, but mainly in the emission and reception of electromagnetic energy. Less than 3% of DNA is involved in making proteins; over 90% operate in the field of bioacoustic […]
What survivors of serious illnesses have in common

Our bodies have the phenomenal innate ability to regenerate and heal. For example, it is known that a liver cell needs six weeks to regenerate; skin cells need three or four weeks; the stomach line is renewed every four days; and eye cells replicate every two days. One of the pioneers in understanding the field […]
The point of longevity called “ZUSANLI”

It is four fingers below the knee, on the outside of the shin.Gently massaging this point for about 10 minutes every day is indicated.It is said to be the most important point in acupuncture bioenergy. In Chinese bioenergetic medicine, point E36, also known as Zusanli, is the most well-known point of all in the acupuncture […]
Is there any interest in health before something happens to you?

It seems not!!! So you have to wait until you get sick before you do anything. That’s the reality.Very,very, interesting!Few are those who intuit that the disease is not good and then try to do something, but they do it halfway or abandon the idea very very quickly.When you are put against the wall, you […]
What Are Habits?

Habits are the small decisions you make and actions you perform every day (hand wash, eat breakfast, shower, smoking, brushing teeth, drink water, do 10 sit ups, working). How in shape or out of shape you are? A result of your habits. How happy or unhappy you are? A result of your habits. How successful […]
The cows do not give milk ….. this is the reality.

A farmer told his children: “When you are 12, I will tell you a secret of life.” When the eldest was 12 years old, he asked his father the secret of life. His father replied that he would tell him, but that he should not tell him to his brothers. “The secret of life is […]