A practical approach to keeping healthy after your Covid-19 jab

Important Note: This guide is for education only.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus contains a spike protein on its surface.

During a natural infection, spike proteins play a key role in helping the virus enter the cells of your body.

Spike protein is easily detected by the immune system, which then makes antibodies to target and bind the virus.

The virus spike protein has been linked to adverse effects, such as: blood clots, brain fog, organising pneumonia, and myocarditis.

Emerging evidence on spikopathy suggests that effects related to inflammation and clotting may occur in any tissue in which the spike protein accumulates.

Vaccine side effects can occur with mRNA Covid-19 injections (Moderna, Pfizer BioNTech, or Comirnaty) as well as the DNA-type of Covid-19 injections (Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca). 

Side effects are more common with two vaccine doses than a single dose and can be categorized as            

  • Immediate side effects
  • Covid-19 like illness
  • Post Covid-19 injection syndrome (pCoIS)

Click here for the post COVID-19 Jab treatment plan

Click here for the post COVID-19 Jab treatment plan

Immediate side effects

Injection site reactions are very common and include localized pain, tenderness, redness, and swelling. These local types of reactions usually go away within a few days. 

Treatment for localized side effects

You may use the following over-the-counter medications to reduce local pain and discomfort associated with immediate side effects

  • ibuprofen.
  • aspirin 
  • antihistamines
  • Paracetamol (acetaminophen)
Covid-19 like illness

Covid-19 like (or flu-like) symptoms are common after the Covid-19 vaccination. Some health advisory agencies report that this is normal and a sign that your body is building protection. However, just because these side effects occur commonly, does not mean that they are normal or healthy. A health prevention therapy should not cause illness. 

Vaccine-induced Covid-19 like illness often presents with a combination of the following symptoms:

  • headache
  • fever
  • joint pain
  • chills

These symptoms may disappear within 48 to 72 hours. However, some people may have a more extended Covid-19 like illness that lasts for a week or more and may even test positive for Covid-19.

Post Covid-19 Vaccine Syndrome (pCoVS)

Post Covid-19 Injection Syndrome or pCoIS (also called Post Covid-19 Vaccine Syndrome or pCoVS) is a new complex multi-system inflammatory syndrome. A syndrome is a collection of symptoms that may differ from person to person. Emerging data show that pCoIS is similar to Long Covid or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and manifests as a combination of the following symptoms:

  • muscle and joint pain
  • gastrointestinal upset
  • weakness
  • numbness and tingling in the extremities
  • intense fatigue
  • poor sleep
  • brain fog 

Unlike Long Covid, pCoIS does not appear to necessarily progress from a Covid-19 like illness but may arise spontaneously weeks after a Covid-19 injection. As pCoIS is a new condition, we don’t know the long-term significance of the symptoms.

A practical approach to keeping healthy after your Covid-19 jab

Important Note: This guide is for education only.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus contains a spike protein on its surface.

During a natural infection, spike proteins play a key role in helping the virus enter the cells of your body.

Spike protein is easily detected by the immune system, which then makes antibodies to target and bind the virus.

The virus spike protein has been linked to adverse effects, such as: blood clots, brain fog, organising pneumonia, and myocarditis.

Emerging evidence on spikopathy suggests that effects related to inflammation and clotting may occur in any tissue in which the spike protein accumulates.

Vaccine side effects can occur with mRNA Covid-19 injections (Moderna, Pfizer BioNTech, or Comirnaty) as well as the DNA-type of Covid-19 injections (Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca). 

Side effects are more common with two vaccine doses than a single dose and can be categorized as            

  • Immediate side effects
  • Covid-19 like illness
  • Post Covid-19 injection syndrome (pCoIS)

Click here for the post COVID-19 Jab treatment plan

Click here for the post COVID-19 Jab treatment plan

Immediate side effects

Injection site reactions are very common and include localized pain, tenderness, redness, and swelling. These local types of reactions usually go away within a few days. 

Treatment for localized side effects

You may use the following over-the-counter medications to reduce local pain and discomfort associated with immediate side effects

  • ibuprofen.
  • aspirin 
  • antihistamines
  • Paracetamol (acetaminophen)
Covid-19 like illness

Covid-19 like (or flu-like) symptoms are common after the Covid-19 vaccination. Some health advisory agencies report that this is normal and a sign that your body is building protection. However, just because these side effects occur commonly, does not mean that they are normal or healthy. A health prevention therapy should not cause illness. 

Vaccine-induced Covid-19 like illness often presents with a combination of the following symptoms:

  • headache
  • fever
  • joint pain
  • chills

These symptoms may disappear within 48 to 72 hours. However, some people may have a more extended Covid-19 like illness that lasts for a week or more and may even test positive for Covid-19.

Post Covid-19 Vaccine Syndrome (pCoVS)

Post Covid-19 Injection Syndrome or pCoIS (also called Post Covid-19 Vaccine Syndrome or pCoVS) is a new complex multi-system inflammatory syndrome. A syndrome is a collection of symptoms that may differ from person to person. Emerging data show that pCoIS is similar to Long Covid or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and manifests as a combination of the following symptoms:

  • muscle and joint pain
  • gastrointestinal upset
  • weakness
  • numbness and tingling in the extremities
  • intense fatigue
  • poor sleep
  • brain fog 

Unlike Long Covid, pCoIS does not appear to necessarily progress from a Covid-19 like illness but may arise spontaneously weeks after a Covid-19 injection. As pCoIS is a new condition, we don’t know the long-term significance of the symptoms.