Stupid, silly, foolishness, unintelligent, without judgment, without mind, slob, nerd, fool, slob, clumsiness, stupidity, …………….. God, what a universe!
Stupidity has many facets and is always accompanied by other human flaws such as vanity, megalomania, selfishness, ignorance, imposture, malice or just naivety.
Stupidity occurs when a person assumes he knows something, when, in fact, he does not.
It is a willful refusal to learn, because the person is already convinced that he knows something. That means stupidity.
In Greek, agnoia – which in Romanian means “ignorance” (it has its origin in Romanian “to not know”) – means “lack of skill”.
Simply, not knowing something.
An example can be the one in which the doctor tells you categorically and surely what problems you have, and you don’t want to listen to any other explanation and you don’t agree with him until this is proven. Ironically, sometimes, the smarter a person is, or thinks he is, the more stupid he will become.
How to recognize stupidity: 5 sure signs.
Our world is populated by all kinds of people with extremely varied levels of intelligence. Almost everyone considers themselves smart. After all, our thoughts always tend to sound smart in our own head, don’t they?
But people who are less smart have habits that stand out and can give them a chance sometimes. Here are these signs, by which stupidity can be recognized.
1. Stupid people blame others for their own mistakes.
It is very visible, unprofessional and something an intelligent person would never do.
Stupid people don’t like to take responsibility for their mistakes.
They prefer to shut themselves up, or simply blame others.
2. They are always right.
A sure sign of intelligence is the ability to look and understand things from another point of view, and intelligent people are open to new information and changing parameters. The others, on the other hand, will continue to argue, regardless of the valid arguments brought against them. They overestimate their own abilities, while underestimating the competence of others.
3. They react to conflicts with anger and aggression.
Obviously, even the smartest people can get really angry from time to time. But, the less intelligent, when they feel that they are not in control of a situation as much as they would like, they tend to use anger and behavior aggressively to secure his position.
4. They don’t want to learn something new.
They think they know everything and that they are above everyone else. They completely lack the desire for self-development.
5. They ignore the needs and feelings of other people.
Smart people tend to be very good at empathizing with others. This makes it easier for them to understand another person’s point of view. Less smart people have a hard time imagining that people might think differently from them and, therefore , would not agree with them. Also, the concept of doing something for someone without expecting a favor in return is totally foreign to them.
There is no man who has not passed “from time to time, through ‘crises’ of stupidity”.
“You have to be very stupid to think that you have never been stupid”. But you are forgivable if, in time, you distance yourself from your own slip-ups.
“In general, the thief knows that he is a thief, and the incompetent knows, up to a point, that he is incompetent. When he starts to think he’s competent, he falls into the category of fools.
The fool, however, unlike the corrupt island or the incompetent one, does not know that he is stupid”.