Read and you will understand!

A farmer told his children: “When you are 12, I will tell you a secret of life.” 

When the eldest was 12 years old, he asked his father the secret of life. 

His father replied that he would tell him, but that he should not tell him to his brothers. 

“The secret of life is this: the cow does not give milk!” 

“What do you mean?” The boy asked, puzzled. 

“How do you hear, son! The cow DOES NOT GIVE milk. 

You have to milk it! You have to wake up at 4 in the morning, go on the field, cross the barley full of dung, sit on the chair, put the bucket down and make the right movements. 

This is the secret of life: the cow doesn’t give milk! ” 

There is a generation that believes that cows give milk. 

Those things are automatic and free: I WANT, I ASK, I GET. 

There are people who believe that cows give milk. 

No, the cows give only dung. Milk you take it, work it. 

That things are automatic and free. NOT! 

Life is not a matter of wanting, asking and receiving. 

The things you get are the result of the effort made. 

Happiness is the product of effort. 

Lack of effort leads to frustration. 

Therefore, remember to share this secret of life with your children. 

Do not let them believe that the government or parents will give them everything. 

Or that their cute faces bring them everything in life. 

The cows do not “give” milk! You have to work for it!