If you or somebody you know suffers feelings of anxiety, mood swings, mild depression, panic attacks or obsessive thoughts, this article could be what you have been searching for.
Any dysfunctional mental state is often the result of a brain that’s stuck in the Beta state of brainwave activity. This is the state associated with overthinking, rumination, negativity bias, and survival-based reactivity to the outside world. It’s also the state associated with anxiety and other dysfunctional mental states.
Anxiety and other dysfunctional mental states are associated with high levels of BETA brainwave activity.
It’s hard to switch from anxiety or depression into optimism or tranquility… IF the brain remains in Beta. Beta brainwave activity, by the way, is not the bad guy. Beta activity represents the normal functioning of the brain during waking hours when you’re alert and focused.
However, too much of a good thing is bad. You need to periodically shift from Beta into Alpha (characterised by greater feelings of calm, relaxed focus, a disengagement from the inner critic, and a positive outlook). Countless studies have shown that increasing Alpha activity offers relief from dysfunctional mental states and experiences of greater wellbeing.
Many people try meditation as a way to introduce more Alpha waves. But, traditional meditation can be difficult to master and that’s why they don’t stick with it long enough to experience its far-reaching benefits.
“Altered states” refers to a different way of processing the world. In the Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwave states, you stop seeing the world as a place where you need to be on high alert. You relax, and observe the world from a more peaceful, joyful, creative and intuitive perspective.
Everybody is different, but if they develop the ability to relax the brain and control where they give their attention through meditation, they can often experience immediate and lasting relief. This relief grows exponentially over time as they continue their practice. It’s a huge step in the right direction.
There are several methods of relaxing the brain according to every person’s preferences.
Outdoor movement, music, meditation, sports, yoga, short sleep (3-5-10min) etc.
You must start somewhere and have perseverance and patience.